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Bishop May Down (they/them)

Glasgow-based writer, theatre maker, and practitioner with an interest in integrated technology. PVG certified and experienced in facilitating for child and adult groups alike.

Skilled in Adobe Creative Suite, with basic skills in TouchDesigner.

Trained in Health and Safety, Emergency First Aid, Food Safety, Safeguarding Children, and Children with Epilepsy.

References and training certificates available upon request.


People Dancing

Dance Captain

February 2023-Present

Performed solo and as part of an ensemble in Eoin McKenzie's People Dancing at Platform, Easterhouse; 'a dance show for non-dancers'. 

Acted as a dance captain to provide responsive support and guidance for the group, including those with additional support needs and learning disabilities.

Photo by Mark Freegard

Broomhill Out of School Care Association


October 2020-Present

Responsible for groups of primary school students P1-7 in an after school care and day trip setting. Role included facilitating active and creative activities for groups of 30+ children; observing play and development; managing social conflict; and working to ensure proper Coronavirus health and safety procedure. Experienced with children with a range of neurodiversities and adverse childhood experiences.

Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Trans Student Association



Formed a new Trans Student Union at the Conservatoire, taking a leadership role in forming relationships with Conservatoire Senior Management, Department Heads, and external top UK industry producing bodies surrounding respect and inclusivity for trans people within the institution and beyond. Also organised events, social media, and outreach, provided guidance and mentorship to trans students experiencing issues, supported EDI and Marketing departments with EDI initiatives, and co-developed an Introduction to Trans Awareness training for the RCS Board of Governers.



2021- 2022

Completed a placement with theatre clown company Tenterhooks from October 2021 to January 2022. Assisted with the tour of MESS, a sensory interactive show created for children with complex support needs and disabilities which toured Edinburgh SEN schools in November 2021, and was involved in the initial stages of an R&D phase for a new children’s production.

21Common and Oakwood Primary School



Completed a placement at Oakwood Primary School, Easterhouse in February and March 2021, in association with 21Common and the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. Worked with a small group of Primary 6 children online to develop a final performance and facilitate learning and personal growth.

RCS Short Courses



Led weekly online drama sessions as part of the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland’s Short Courses programme in April and May 2021, mentored by Thom Scullion and Sam Burns. Worked solo and in a pair to plan, deliver, and reflect upon process drama sessions for Primary 4-5 children.


Scottish Youth Theatre

Making Space


Commissioned as a Solo Resident Artist to create an innovative performance for a digital platform for the online Making Space festival 2021.

Mentored by Jay Woods of Sound Theatre Company, Seattle, to create Building a Man, an audience-led interactive web performance exploring unreachable standards of masculinity.


Royal Conservatoire of Scotland

BA (Hons) Contemporary Performance Practice


Due to graduate in July 2023. ​

Student Union roles included Chair of the Trans Student Association from 2021-2023, LGBTQIA+ Student Representative from 2020-2021.

Also co-managed the course's student-led Instagram page @rcsbacpp, including organising content from across year groups, promotion of the programme's festivals and projects, and organising takeovers and content collaboration.

Perth High School


Completed Higher level qualifications in English, French, Spanish, Media Studies, and Drama, and National 5 qualifications including English and Maths.

Certificates available.


"A sign of thir ain failure": Burns Supper as a performance ritual of Scottish identity and national resistance under hegemony


Undergraduate research into Burns Supper as a performance ritual of cultural identity, through a methodology of auto-ethnography and queer failure (Halberstam 2011). Investigated the canonisation of Robert Burns, Anglo-British cultural memory, and Carol Craig's examination of the Scottish self-confidence crisis, with auto-ethnographic creative writing throughout.

Supervised by Dr. Sarah Hopfinger.

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